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Home » Health & Wellbeing » RSI Awareness Day 2018- prevention is best practice!

Once again the team at Healthy Workstations are ready to spread the word and raise awareness of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), as we believe that there is still much to do in understanding how basic tasks can have such an impact on health. Tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and muscular aches etc. affect individuals, both while at work but also in their personal lives, and can become troublesome – or re-occurring – for extensive periods.

As regular subscribers to our newsletters and blogs you will know that RSI Awareness Day takes place on the last day in February each year, and is the perfect opportunity to organise events to highlight preventative measures; of course this interface could also cover use of devices outside of the workplace. After all, it is the cumulative effect that leads to a repetitive strain and most people will be engaged in some form of social media, messaging or personal computer use in their spare time.

Tip: Even with all the appropriate products set up in your workstation, it is still extremely important to get up and move at least once every hour, even if it’s just to stretch.
The NHS website offers a range of seated exercises to improve mobility and encourage good posture,  that can help prevent RSI.

What is RSI?

We often consider workplace injuries involve a physical accident such as a fall leading to a broken bone, an encounter with machinery or other serious incident. However, RSI’s are among the most common issues related to injuries within work. RSI is used to describe the pain felt by repetitive motion in the upper body within the muscles, nerves and tendons. These symptoms can develop gradually and often include; stiffness, throbbing, cramping and aching when repeating a particular action.

Tip: You should be sitting with your body adapting a natural ‘S’ position, not a ‘C’ position. If you can feel yourself hunched over, take a moment to readjust your body (and your chair features and settings) to a comfortable position


How can we prevent RSI?

As RSI’s are viewed as ‘invisible’ injuries, they often go undetected for some time until they require treatment by way of pain management and other medical support. We want to help people become aware of their repetitive actions and make simple but effective adjustments immediately! These repetitive movements can occur doing anything from long periods of typing at a desk to stocking shelves on a shop floor. Our MD Anne Ridley delivered a stimulating webinar last year, sharing her extensive knowledge of specialist workstation assessments and experience of ergonomic solutions combined with end-user feedback gathered over many years. View the webinar here

It is a legal requirement for computer workstation users to receive a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment to ensure Health and Safety compliance.
The assessment should bring to light potential issues from poor workstation layout – many that can be rectified simply, for immediate results. If you have
not reviewed your use of Display Screen Equipment recently, it could be the first place to start. Sometimes the obvious gets overlooked; Common place failings include

– Seat height – too high, or too low = muscles overworked, shoulders hunched or a slouched posture
Mouse / keyboard position – arm extended/twisted = over reaching, bent wrist/ elbow, wrist pressure against desk edge
Mouse wrong size or orientation – pinching or over gripping = elbow/wrist/hand/finger pain
Document placement – usually opposite side to mouse = repetitive neck twist on one side
Cluttered desk (on top or beneath) – twisted postures / over-reaching. Create an Easy Reach Zone!

By following the assessment guidelines you can help reduce absence and increase productivity!


Healthy Workstations are delivering DSE Assessor Training Courses this spring to equip you with the knowledge you require to not only complete DSE assessments, but to introduce effective early interventions  and to do so within any system that you may already have in place. To book a place on our course, please click here

 Tip: Instead of emailing/phoning a colleague regarding a work matter, try walking to them and interact in person. This allows you to move position without having to take a break!


We offer advice on a wide range of ergonomic products to help support your every need. Remember that everyone is different and what benefits one person may not work for you. Our advanced Assessors are always ready to assist – just    call or drop us an email.






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